Thursday, August 25, 2011


Aleks is my math class at macon state.. Honestly Im getting tired of it. Today I flunked my assesment and it brought me down. When your topics come down it puts you behind in the class which is not good at all.. Im hoping I get through the class by December but if I dont everything happen for a reason. This school is so competive with grades so for me to get in the nursing program is going to be impossible. But with God anything is possible so I just have to have faith. So as of today I'll start working hard at everything I do. Studying, Writing papers, Homework, etc.. I like having B's and there so easy to make but I want A's. I want my parents to be proud of me for what I accomplish in college. Summer was a great semester for me so I want Fall to be the same. Enough bout ALEKS!!! Yesterday me and classmate went to the wellness center and we worked out working out brings down a lot of stress especially when you have alot going on. Learned that in health class...